Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Nicaragua: IADB Grants USD $60 Million for Geothermal Exploration

IADB plans to invest in geothermal energy exploration in Nicaragua (Lexology)

The Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) presented the proposal of carrying out a project of exploration and certification of geothermal energy reserves in the country.

Mr. Carlos Melo, IADBs representative in Nicaragua, has presented to the local media the proposal which aims to carry out a project of exploration and certification of geothermal reserves in the country. The purpose of the project is the promotion of the alternatives for the generation of renewable energy, as well as the consolidation of the sector and the promotion of foreign investment in the country.

Likewise, Mr. Melo has exposed that the project will have an approximate cost of up to USD $ 60 million dollars and that public and private partnerships are expected for its execution.

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